salam readers sekalian...apa khabar readers sumer...?sehat ke...lama Zul xjenguk blog nie, dah bersawang bagai dah kan...bukan xnak singgah ke ape, tp kalo singgah pown asyik blur je..xtau nk tulis aper...huhuhu..xpe2, yang penting skang dah de entry baru...

haa, like we all know, today is our beloved country's Independent Day..merdeka la...and i fully aware that each of us would celebrate this day differently rite..? some would take this day-off opportunity to treat themselves with a nice relaxing holiday at home, or some would go to Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil. for Zul, lepak @ rumah is the best choice...the reason is, avoiding money flowing and, jap g ade meeting..huhuhu...lagipun petang nanti adik Zul nak datang berbuka dirumah, so nak kne masak feveret die nanti..huhuhu

malam semalam xde celebration like used to kat KL, kat Genting je ade.. meaning, no concerts and fireworks...but still rempit, khalwat and other stuff fill up

k la readers, Zul nak g mandi jap, pastu nak g meeting lak..huhuhu..nanti Zul update lg ek story..huhuhu..till then, buhbye..(^_^)