salam sumer...(^_^)
hiye guyz..huhuhu...lma xdgr's ur weekend btw?owh, dis time i'm gonna tell u bout how did i spent my weekend..!!!
hurrmm....where shud i start started on saturday mownink when i received an early phone call from my best buddy, eg. die ajk tman die g audition OIAM kt times square..I pun dgr prasaan y mlas thap agung, mengiakan..n i ajk my rumate 2 come along wit me...msa kitorg nek tren die ckp die xjd nk audition sbb org rmai gile n die mlas, so we decided 2 watch muvie n of course i suggest twilight..after several times negotiation n lots of persuasion..kitorg pun decide 2 watch dat muvie, and yerp, again for me..i dun mind coz i love it so much..hehehe...
so, kitorg jumpe kt pavilion n trus jejalan..bile i dgr eg nk cri sport shirt n beg..i dh jd smgat..i ni pntang bile dgr org nk, i pn usha2 gk r beg2 y lawa2..cdg nye nk bli trus, tp bile pk kot2 nnt jmpa y lg elok kt tmpat len..i matikan niat kerje mengusha maintain dijalankan dgn giat nye...
before we watch d muvie we took an early lunch, since we were in great hunger..hehehe...we haven't took our bekpas yet on dat, i ate pulut kuning wit rendang at Food Republic while other 2 took nasik lemak as their brunch meal...
after twilight kmi jejalan mencari brg y tlah di set dlm kpala otak di cri tuh..pusing pya pusing xde 1 y melekat dlm ati..ntah r, price, brand...price r most of d then i suggest g sg wang since there got alots of option..smpai je sna kitorg g al ikhsan kt bbplaza..there eg nmpak 1 shirt, quite nice r honestly..without much consideraton, trus r nk ckp byk dh sbnarnya waktu tuh..
stlah pnat bjalan, kitog decide utk rest2 kjap kt mna2 cafe, have sum refreshment 1st b4, kitorg g mkn kt old town white coffee kt Low Yatt Plaza..there. i kuarkn idea y agk bernas..i cdang utk tido kt umah eg since that he'll b spending his night alone...lpas deal here n there..set, mlm tu kitorg akan tido umah eg..
lps slsai mkn, kitorg trus chow, straight bax 2 campus..lps rest 4 n my rumate took tren bax 2 eg house..smpai kt station, he picked us..lps tuh igt nk dinner kt cheng ho,tp tetiba mcm rmai lak rituh, so kitorg pusing2 kt area tuh..last2 jumpa gak kdai mkn y kitorg ade hati nk mkn..
smpai kt umah eg, kitorg karaoke kejap..kjap je..dua tiga buah lagu je before we decided 2 watch a muvie entitiled The Midnight Meet Train..tgok smbil tutup mata la, apalagi..hehehe....habis je muvie tuh, kitorg sumer dh flat as d flat screen tv..n then apalagi, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
ahad, pagi as early as 8 am i dg trbagun...i tgok eg pun dh bgun smbil tgok tv..layan la citer kejap..soulman nma die kt cine gak..funny r dat muvie..abis je lyan citer, kitorg start blk xtvt smlm iaitu mnguji keupayaan tekak..hahaha..smbil2 memikir kan apekah agenda utk ari tuh...
after kitorg siap2, kitorg g bekpas kt kedai bwh kt sri gombak..lama giler xg kdai kt situ..i used 2 satay there 4 several years long time ago..huhu..after bekpas, i ajk diorg g jejalan kt titiwangsa..smbil cuci mata, kitorg pown g la titiwangsa..jalan2 keliling pond ari dh start pnas dh at dat moment, so,kitorg amik kputusan nk g klcc lak..hakhak..diva tak??
smpai je klcc, isetan mrupakan 1st pit stop..msuk2 je tgok ade sale..ape lg, mula lah xtvt menghabiskan thank 2 Allah ats sinar hidayah nyer, kitorg xbli ape2..juz mnghabiskn msa n energy je kt situ...then g kinokuniya, knun2 nk tgok buku, xbli gk sbb bku ritu pun xbrsntuh lg..last2 g mkn kt burger king..y ni bru btul2 bli..huahuahua
lpas dh kenyang, it's time 2 say good bye..mula2 mcm mlas nk blk tp my rumate remind about d crowd in d public nnt, so kne la blk awal..n then, again i ngn rsa meletop nye ajk my frens lpak kt kolej..since dat die dh lma xdtg kolej, n die buhsan dok kt umah, last skali kitorg pun blk kolej ngn eg..thanx eg sbb ikot kitorg blk...
smpai kt kolej, rehat2 jap smbil chat sket2 ngn eg, yela, lma xsmbang ng die..i n eg mmg kwn baek..he's my best buddy, kinda say dat he noes everything bout me, n i kinda noes everything bout him la, he's my ex rummate 4 2-3 years..
mlm tuh kitorg dine kt bangi..sri impian ke nama rest tuh..agak best jgk r masakan die..mkn siakap stim n so on la...kmi bertiga je pun...agak expensive jgk meal die, tp leh than r rsa die..huhu..ape2 pun mende dh order, so lahap je la..hehe..
lpas eg ntar kitorg blk said good bye n so on, i cpat2 pnjat blik..nk rest n nk update blog i ni la...penat jgk lyan net r jap...hehe
so, tue la citer weekend i utk kali ni...agak best r...erm, cmne lak weekend depan ye..huhuhu...
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