salam guyz....
hiye, rini wireless kt umah xbaper clear la...die mcm ting tong sket...huhu...
haa, utk entry kali ni, Zul bukan nk reveal my new relationship or wut..yerp, still not ready to fall in love again...kali ni Zul nk citer pasal movie yang Zul tengok wat kali ke 3 or 4 ntah..xingat..tapi still berjaya membuat mata ku ini merah2 dan berair(ello, bukan cataract ok..). rasanya most of u guyz pernah tengok kan citer ni...Zul ingat lg Zul tengok citer ni masa Zul kt Wangsa Maju (before Zul pindah masuk dlm kampus blk). dlm awal tahun lepas camtu lah..Zul dpt tau citer ni pown dr kawan sechatting Zul dr Bangkok, die y rekemen kan..Zul pown download la..xrugi download..
yang best nye pasal citer ni, die byk quotes y mmg mendebarkan jantung, and membuatkan Zul mula nk menulis blog Zul ni, instead of siapkan presentation utk Rabu neyh...antara quotes y melekat dlm kepala Zul dr 1st time Zul tengok movie ni adelah this one..
"If we can love someone so much, how will we be able to handle it one day when we are separated? And if being separated is a part of life, and you know about separation well, is it possible that we can love someone and never be afraid of losing them? Or is it possible that we can live our entire life without loving at all?"
ungkapan ini disuarakan oleh Mew kepada Tong masa Tong tanya kt die, sama ada die sepi ke x dok berseorangan...everytime sampai part ni, Zul dh ready ngn tissue..yeah yeah yeah, u can call me wuteva u want, i admit i cried several times at this scene..huhu..because the question that Mew brought to us, is so...u noe, for while it kinda hard to answer..huhu
"What if I choose one and you don't like it again?"
this one also menyentuh perasaan..ungkapan ini disuarakan oleh Tong kepada Mak die masa die suh die tolong hang the ornaments to decorate the christmas tree..Tong tanya pasal 2 patung, a doll and a santa claus..kinda symbolic ngn ape y dh berlaku..sbb mak die tau pasal kisah die ngn Mew..and mak die g confront si Mew tuh...
"I have been thinking. How will you make it from now on? But I believe so much that you can make it without me, because you have so much love for one another. Even though, sometimes, it seems to be too much that we end up hurting each other. But I believe as time goes by, we should agree that there is no such thing as 'too much love'. Even if we made mistakes along the way, it's better than never having tried to love and be loved. Wouldn't you agree? Life always gives us opportunities to start over after we learn from our mistakes. I hope you take these opportunities and take good care of one another. Thank you for everything. I hope there's a chance that we will see each other again."
and ni surat dari June kpd Sunee, mak Tong. dikala June menyatakan y die maybe xakan berjumpa dgn family diorang ni lg dh..this part oso wat Zul nervous...yerp, sbb lakonan Sunee mmg menjadi..bila tgok expression die masa baca surat ni..(actually surat ni dlm bentuk pieces, sbb June wat mcm ala2 treasure hunt, u got o find it part by part). surat ni penuh maksud and mengajak kiter pikir balik tentang apa y kite ade, instead of ape y kite ingin ade..love wut we had in our arms..dun take it for granted, coz u might not know what we had maybe wouldn't last forever with us...
"I can't be your boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."
this is Tong's line, to Mew..masa Tong jumpa Mew kt blakang stage (nak kasi christmas present) masa diorg dh abis perform..part neyh bg Zul part y paling sedeyh..it's like,he noe the fact that they couldn't be togather, be he still gonna love Mew..and after that, they start wishing good luck to each other...huhuhu
"Thank you."
the last line from that movie..diungkapkan oleh Mew didalam biliknya, setelah pulang dr show..die lengkapkan the doll y diberi oleh Tong masa die kecik dulu, and the last part y die dpt dr Tong lps die perform td (which is the nose of the doll). it's like he wish it to Tong for willingly love him..and then he cried..part neyh mmg laku tissue Premier kat umah Zul..ngehehe...
If I said that this song is made for you, would you believe it?
It’s probably not melodious, not affectionate, not beautiful like other songs.
I want you to know that if there’s no love, you can’t write a love song.
But for you, my dear, do you know? I wrote it easily.
You’ve probably heard hundreds and thousands of love songs
that’s probably impressive
but with a similar meaning altogether, but if you listen to this song,
a song that’s written simply for you.
For you to understand the meaning of it, our hearts will then have a connection.
Let it be a song on our pathways that consist only voices of you and me.
Together as long as possible.
As the meaning is told in a poetry that as long as there’s love naturally there’s hope.
Means whenever your love shines through the heart, I have a goal.
There is a lot of facts found in love,
and in the past I used the time for the sake of finding the meaning.
But soon, I’d just know it, whenever you are near me,
That if life’s a rhythm, you are as good as the words that is melodious and touching to the heart.
Let it be a song on our pathways that consist only voices of you and me.
Together as long as possible.
As the meaning is told in a poetry that as long as there’s love naturally there’s hope.
Means whenever your love shines through the heart, I have a goal.
There’s a pathway for us to walk side by side and there are voices of you and me.
There’s a pathway for us to walk side by side and there are voices of you and me.
movie ni sangat cantik..cara storyline die digarap, the non-verbal scene die..cinematography die pown sgt tulus..script y sgt menyentuh jiwa..sumtime it makes me forget that this is just a movie..coz it look so real..surreal i must say..huhu..so guyz, enjoy watching this movie, kpd saper y nk start download la..abis kang, comment la kt entry ni..we could share ideas and opinions about this movie..(^_^)
alaa nk gak tgok.nk 1 copy ahhaha!
owh goshhhhhhhhhh..
teringin nak tgk citer nih..
mcm best and romantik jew..
pelakonnya pun cute2..
citer die mmg best..huhu..
download la..
Zul pown dh lupa ape link y Zul download dlu..dh lama dh Zul download..
hehe.. mgantok la i tgk muV nie... :P tp, yet! still ok lah..
"If we can love someone so much, how will we be able to handle it one day when we are separated? And if being separated is a part of life, and you know about separation well, is it possible that we can love someone and never be afraid of losing them? Or is it possible that we can live our entire life without loving at all?"
huhu nk tgk movie nehh...
tengok la bally...(^_^)
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