uurrgghh..this two things can be together..it just ridiculous..
yesterday, my friends and I went to Mid Valley..to buy some stuff..i'm looking for my hair serum while leyla wanted to buy a water heater..so, we decide to go to Mid..got better choices there..but the crowd was like crazy..as usual..i just dun get the ktm service..it sux..!!
so, we had our luch at the foodcourt, after few times of arguements..hahaha..my meal was teriyaki chicken wit japanese rice..(^_^)
i can't recall what did i bought..err, a blanket and a pillow case, a CD, undies, toiletries at bodyshop, EPA pills, wut else eh..huhu..but i do enjoyed myself there..buying things..haha..
best2 shoping.hhehee len x shoping with me k.ahaha
Happy New Year Husni! :) huhu.. lama da xg MidVal... rindoo la..
ok jeah rizz..
lan, harus nnt kuar g shopping sesama..tp kn etggu duit masuk dlu la..hehe
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