salam guyz..
erm.sebenarnye Zul xtau mcm mna nk mulakan ayat utk entry ni..hurm..sesungguhnye Zul sedang menghadapi antara dugaan terberat dlm hidup Zul pd tahun ni..dugaan y melibatkan emosi dan perasaan..hanya Yang Kuasa sajer y tau mcm mna berkecamuk nye ati Zul skg..dh luluh..
mungkin ini antara balasan utk sgala kekhilafan y pernah Zul lakukan dulu..dan Zul hanya mampu menganggap dugaan ini bertujuan utk menguatkan lg hati dan jiwa Zul ini..seumur hidup Zul, inilah kali pertama mende sebegini berlaku..dan Zul sesungguhnye buntu dlm mencari jawapan dan penyelesaian kpd kekabutan ini..
berat ati ini menerima kenyataan y mampu merobek mengoyak ruang ati ini..kenyataan ye, kenyataan...y selama ini Zul anggap hanya sandiwara atau permainan perasaan Zul, kenyataan akhir nya jua...dan Zul sememangnye x bersedia utk menghadapi mende ni..langsung..dan kerana itulah, apa y Zul leh lakukan wat pertama2nya adalah, menjadi lemah, dgn mengalirkan manik jernih mutiara..hanya itu y mampu menemani Zul disaat tiada siapa y dpt memahami perit pedih nya hati..
dan wat pertama kalinya dlm hidup Zul, Zul mengkhabarkn berita sebegini kpd bonda tercinta, kerana Zul sesungguhnya memerlukan kekuatan y amat teguh..tembok utuh y mampu menahan badai dan gelora jiwa..dan Zul tunduk dikala suara bonda mencecah ruang deria..dan dari situ kusedar y Zul ade insan y menyayangi Zul flaws and all..xkire apa je y berlaku dan terkandung..insan itu tetap menyayangi dan menerima ku, tanpa perlu dititip kata manis y menghiris kalbu, gerak laku yang menyentuh sanubariku..
rakan2ku menjadi tongkat dikala ku pincang..dlm berdiri kembali dan mengatur langkah..aku malu dan kaku, kerana ada antara tongkat ini y pernah ku campak dan kusimpan layu..akhirnya kalut ku rebut dlm degupan ku takut..namun rakan ku berkongsi rasa tanpa mengira tingkah ku dulu..Ya Allah..
kepada Yang Esa aku sujud,berpaut kata doa. supaya dikuatkan diri yang ternoda. kerana dugaan y diserahkan kepada ku akan cuba ku galas dgn segala kudrat yang ku ada..namun ku mohon petunjuk dan kekuatan dari-Nya dlm ku menjalani hidup dikehadapan sebagai hamba Mu y lemah segala..aku takut aku lemas dalam gelora rasa..
terima kasih Zul ucapkan kepada mereka yang membaca titipan ikhlas dr Zul ini..doakan lah agar diri Zul ini mampu menggalas apa y tersurat..dan insyaallah, doa Zul kembali kpd anda..Amin.

salam guyz...(^_^)
hehehe, siang td Zul g Pavilion, tgok movie Talentime y mmg dh lama nk g tgok...mmandangkan otak dh serabut sgt dok wat presentation, so, smlm Zul pun book ticket kt GSC..hahaha..
about d's a heartbreaking play i wud say..4 me, everything is there..humor, love, sadness..sumer..and ianya agak ringan dr Gubra..(still menanti Mualaf)..y penting Zul nanges dlm cinema hall td..malu tol..dh ler g tgok sorg2..nanges pown sorg2 jgk bil abis, cover r beb..hahahaha
cinematographic y mudah dan ringkas..yasmin ahmad kan known ngn vintage design nyer..for me, walaupun setengah org ckp citer ni susah utk di relate kn ngn org len, tp bg Zul, kalo dh sumer manusia ni manusia, ape susah nye..len la klo die xpnah rse love..sad..and humor..(len la klo die ade sindrom xleh gelak bile dgr lawak)..dat sense rsenye sumer makhluk y bernama manusia insyallah akan character si melur tuh Zul cm leh relate ngn diri Zul lak..a beautiful mix family..cuma bezanye, her granma is a british, mine is a dutch..huhu..
really impress ngn Sukania performance..fantastic!she's really a great actress..huhu..and the rest pown sume memberi lakonan y leh dipercayai..believable, as the conclusion, this is a great movie..for me, klo nk rase sendiri, tengok la sendiri..and then evaluate urself..
auntie Yasmin..5 stars for u la..!
MaKe YoU FeEl My LoVe..

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven’t made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there’s nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love

And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven’t made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong
I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there’s nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love
The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet
I could make you happy make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love
party sopan...!
salam guyz..(^_^)
hurm..semalam berlangsungnye party sopan di Blok Rajaudang Kolej Kedua UPM..hahaha..haa, bdk2 junior, skg bwu korg tau kan ape maksud party sopan...erm, smlm jugak la ari Zul kelam kelibut..dgn berlari2 kesana kemari..huhu..
pepagi nye Zul dh start wat presentation utk viva 2nd of April neyh..ape lg, mula la terkedek2 mencari pics project..pastu bergegas2 ke lab amik pics fungi y dh brapa lama xtrambik tuh..hahaha..pastu tergedik2 wat graf and jadual utk data analysis..mmg sedeyh...huhu
tgh ari nye Zul kuar ngn adik g Jusco Cheras Selatan sbb Zul nk bli shower gel Zul y dh sedia abis and cadang nye nk bli short utk sport pepetang..1st kitorg lunch kt old town slepas pening memikirkan venue lunch..hahaha..and then kitorg g beli barang kt jusco (softner and toothbrush), pastu g body shop bli shower gel..asalnye Zul pakai Moringa Shower Gel, tp salesgurl kt situ rekomen latest edition nye shower gel..Quiet Night Soothing Shower Gel..bau die agak menarik r..sbb die ader bau Jujube date and cocoa butter, bau y relax utk tido..seswai ngn Zul y insomniac neyh..adik Zul aper lg, trus suh bli..huhu..beli la..
pastu kitorang g msuk jusco bhgian outfit lak..nk tgok short..lpas pusing2, xjmpe2 jgk short y menarik..(ader y menarik tp harga xmnarik,Adik dh tarik suh cri kt tmpat len).last2 xbli langsung short..hahaha,biase la prangai Zul..mse tgh pusing2 tuh, kawan adik col ckp die kne g PD utk survey venue kem die weekend neyh..kitorg pown gegas2 la blk, and waktu 2 jgk la Prof Zul col, suh jumpe die immediately..haiiyooo, lg la gegas..!
smpai je kt Kolej, die str8 ke PD, ZUl str8 ke jab, jumpe prof..rupe nye ade mende nk kne setel psal conversion PhD tuh..and viva Zul dilanjutkan ke 6th of April..haha..lega ati..cuma nye smlm kne antar draft n laporan penilai kt committee members r by hand..huhu, gegeyh le mencari sorg2..
blk petang nye, Zul mcm biase mengambil tugas didapur..bahagian oenyediaan makanan lew utk party sopan nye..mse Zul smpai, bdk2 len dh ade, tgh memotong2 ape y patut..huhu..1st of all kitorg wat coleslaw..and then bwu wat bihun goreng..haa, kitorg wat 4 jenis bihun, 3 jenis bihun goreng ngn 3 warna y berbeza and satu bihun sup..terkezut bebudak neyh..Zul xg jenguk pown kt bhgian BBQ ayam sbb kt blok..cume nye petang sket, ayah Zul dtg, n Zul nk pass old news paper kt ayah, blk recycle, semak dh kt, g la jenguk tmpat BBQ sbb adik Zul dok memanggang. Zul bwk die jumpe ayah skali..(^_^)
mlm nye dlm kul 9 bwu la start party sopannye..malang nye Zul xsmpat bergambar mse ni..sbb dok memikir nk mkn je plus manusia disana sini, so, xtrpikir pown..sorry nye best..cume last2 mknan bnyk gile xabis..Zul sndri pown mkn sket je sbb dh kenyang mkn kt dapur mse dok merase mknan..huhu..
so, congratz tuh d organizer of the party, to those y bertungkus lumus membanting tenaga menyediakan mknan n ape y patut..thanx!!(^_^)
gloomy all day...
salam guyz..(^_^)
hurrmmm, semalam mmg gloomy..celik2 mata je, dah hujan..sejuk sampai ke tulang belikat..ape lg, rmai le bebudak y kne sampokan 'malas ke kelas' adik kite ttp ke klas..(setelah dibising oleh abg nyer).
lpas je die g kelas, Zul melawat jiran seblah plak..tgok si taufik dok layan movie..Bolt. Zul igt lg Zul tgok citer 2 y 3D kt TGV KLCC..beshh!but smlm y 2D jela..layann...
bile adik Zul blk dr klas, Zul g kaco die lak..dh die panggil, org g jela..kaco die wat lab report (pebret past time die..)hahaha..lgpown dh janji nk lunch sesama..kalo Zul tggu kt bilik buhsan..hahaha..kaco die mmg best..(^_^)
petang nye, lpas lunch layan nst jap...lpas geram tgok liverpool menang 5-0 ngn aston villa..(huhu, Man U ku syg..ape jd neyh..??), trus nap jer...(baby la sgt), smpai la kul 445 bwu bgun..mse bgun tuh tgok ari cerah, tp still chilly..Zul pown trun la bersukan jap..mula2 igt nk men volley, pastu nmpak ade budak men badminton..huhu, apo lagi..trus join lew..mmg berjenis sukan la smlam..takraw, futsal, badminton, volley, basket..lengkap..hehe
malam nye Zul g tgok bbdak2 neyh cuci ayam..sbb mlm sok nye(mlm ni) ade sopan name, kje membasuh nieyh keje diorg lew, kang petang sok, mula la Zul sinsing lengan..memasak utk adik2 ku di blok y tercinte..hahaha..jaga la korg..hehe..
hurm..sok Zul update cite psal party sopan mlm ni ek..kalo menarik, Zul cite pepanjang, klo x..huhu...see ya (^_^)
|/|'my weekend'|\|
salam guyz..(^_^)
hurm , last week was kinda relax period for me..i did spent some time relaxing my body n mine by..sleeping..hahaha..a good remedy i would say..totally work!huhu..but then, i also managed to steal some time and got together with my buddies..(^_^)
on saturday nite, we went to KFC Sri Serdang for dinner..huhu..yup, the dinner was on me..and that's the reason why they were so delightful during that dinner..hahaha..the place fulled with joy and laughter..i really need those moment at that time..huhu..but the journey to get there was so painful...we spent at least 2 hours and more waiting for the bus, only..!but somehow for me, it's kinda worth it..(^_^)
and yesterday evening, we went to The buy some's actually leyla's idea, since he the one who wanted to buy his talcum..but,well, we can't just see him enjoying himself alone rite..haha..and as usual, at the end, i'm the one with the most items me..huhu..
hahaha..quite a wonderful weekend for me i must say..coz i spent it with my companions..i did enjoyed the laugh, the crazy wild things that we've done together (this one i cannot publish in here)..hahaha..can't wait for next weekend to come..
sesi pengisian masa terluang..

The Race to The Wicth Mountain..
salam guyz..(^_^)
huhu, semalam masa Zul dlm keadaan mati kutu sebenarnye..ngan masalah dalam kepala otak and keje y berlambak2..and then, masa nk ajak jiran sebelah bilik iaitu Wan and Taufik lunch, si Taufik neyh ckp die nk g Alamanda ngn si Sang2 and awek nyew Iman..and die ajak Zul skali..mula2 mcm mls nk g, sbb not in the mood to go to the cinema yet..but then, bile pk blk, ZUl bkan nye wat pe pown kt, ikoot jeww..hahaha
kitorang lunch at serdang dulu..sbb si Wan ni nk g lunch same, and die xleh ikot kitorang g Alamanda sbb die ade, lpas lunch, kitorabg antar die blk kolej..pastu kitorang pown str8 ke destinasi..semalam Zul jd driver bdk2 neyh..haa, ketahuan la korg..kitorang nek keta si Taufik neyh, Myvi keta die..impress kan kengkawan ngn teknik pemanduan aku..huhu..
kat sane kitorang tgok cite The Race to The Witch Mountain..lakonan Dwane Johnson..citer die ok la..not bad..citer kekanak jgk la..sbb psal UFO bgai neyh, die nyer action mcm menarik..mmbuatkan kiter terlupa die citer ala kekanak..and leh tahan gak r lawak die..huhu..i would give 3 stars out of 5 for this movie..(^_^)
pastu kitorg membuat sesi berjalan2 d Alamanda..mula2 kitorang tgok Iman memilih pakaian kat Nic..ade, dh mcm beli ikan kt pasar..Zul jd ala2 komander la..cantik!xmenarik..lite2 ja..hahaha..sorry Iman, Abg Zul mmg Sang2 melayan je la awek nye..diorg berdua mmg cute..hehe..yang si Taufik neyh, keje die menyakat..amboi, pantang ade peluang..time die ngn awek die smlm, g aquaria smpai sesat ke segambut..harus kitorang guna sbgai modal utk membalas..sorry..(^_^)
abis je bersopin, kitorang g cari Bakery lak, sbb diorg nk celeb buffday budak coursemate diorg, who happen to be my friend, kt Putrajaya tuh, ader Bakeries cottage, kt precint 8..singgah citu, bli cake..beli cake pown menjadi masalah tau..huhu...tangan ni jgk la y memilih cake hye..hahaha..
overall, Zul agak enjoy la siang semalam..dh lama xtgok movie kt cinema..and jejalan tanpa smlam, rilex skjap kepala..hahha..thanx guyz y sudi menemani hari Zul semalam..(^_^)
the most painful thing is..

cinta tegarkan hati ku, tak mahu sesuatu meregut engkau..
bagaimana pun hidup ini hanya cerita, cerita tentang meninggalkan dan yang ditinggalkan..cinta
bagaimana pun hidup ini hanya cerita, cerita tentang meninggalkan dan yang ditinggalkan..cinta

So i'll just hang around and find some things to do, to take my mind off missing you..
And i know in my heart, you can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do..
And i know in my heart, you can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do..

i, i who have nothing, i, i who have no one..
must watch you, go dancing by, wrapped in the arms of somebody else, when darling it's i, who love you..
must watch you, go dancing by, wrapped in the arms of somebody else, when darling it's i, who love you..

sejarah cinta dan hidupku, penuh duri dan banyak ranjau..
the most painful thing is to see someone you love, love somebody else..
ThiNKinG oF...who?

salam guyz..(^_^)
hurm...last night was a long night for me..i spent the whole night, thinking bout past, my present and my future..bout the journey that've taken earlier..and the one that i will take tomorrow and know, i'm not the type of person who plan his life 5 years earlier, own a milestone to set the goal and so on..i kinda person who live life just for sake of live the life..i had my ambition, my dream..and i walk to it..but i don't plan it in detail..yup i do plan..
and i also kind of person who hard to let emotions run over me, in making decisions, works..i dunno, but i've trained myself not to let it get over me in critical that what ever things that i did, i did rationally, without bias..but now, hurm, things changed..i changed..i've changed to someone sometime i myself don't even bizarre? emotions running thru me, at times that i've to be friends use to call me an iron heart, guess that iron heart melted already..
and know i wonder, whether this metamorphosis is a good news for me, maybe to make me a better person..a human being..or otherwise..urgh, i hope this is for my own thing that i know, that i have to put myself together back, coz i really don't have time for this..maybe i would become and introverted person i use to be..who knows..crossing my fingers again..

my fave song from last year and this year, thinking of you by katy perry can now be listened in the radio..a bit strange when i heard it in the radio, i tended to check my hp, coz that's my ringtone/msgtone..huhu. and that song really get into me, for each word in i myself rite now, also thinking of...
last night, sekratariat budaya kolej kedua upm organized a dinner for the participants of Nasyid and Kompang, and also for the alumni of Sanggar Second..even though not many alumni attended, but at least some were available, so the night still fun and joyfull as planned..with bihun soup served, wasn't sure whether it's the best bihun soup or what, but i really get myself bz eating it..(^_^). so, here, i just wanna say thank you to the organizer, the top of Sanggar Second, the collegiat, and to the alumni..thing like last nite should be done often so that experience, expertice and thoughts can be share always..
MaLaS NyErRrR....!!!!!

salam guyz..(^_^)
huhu..xtaw naper sejak due menjak neyh Zul rasa malas sgt2..nk wat itu mlas..nak wat ini malas..penyakit kronik sgt..huhu..apa y pasti Zul kne siap mark paper bdk2 Fisio Haiwan neyh..sbb this friday, diorg pyer final practical class, so nk kne return back the reports..pastu nk kne siapkn diri n keprluan utk...VIVA...yerrr..ala2 viva final presentation neyh utk conversion master ke PhD tuh..slide bwu 40% siap..result ade y x analyze lg..mamposss!!!

erm, Zul ingat nak potong rambut la..suker ngn rambut dh start rase rimas..esp mse wat lab pown dh pkai, cekak rambut pown dh pkai...geram sgt, pkai je tudung..hahahaha(excuse sgt) syg gk nk potong rmbut..smlm Zul view blk gambar last year, time rambut Zul pendek lg..mcm agak cute (amponzz), so, xdela riso sgt klo tetiba rmbut jd pndek..

sejak 2 menjak ni jgk la, pola pemakanan Zul mcm xtentu sket..ade wktu mcm nk kunyah je ape y ade dpn mata..ade waktu mcm pandang my fave nasi beriyani pown sblah adik kite sllu pakse Zul mkn ikut time..ade 1 aritu, die punye le geram ngn Zul y xmkn the whole day, die sumbatnye roti dlm mulut Zul..tergamam jgk waktu tu..kne la skg, klo xnk kne sumbat ngn roti, kne mkn ikoot waktu..(*_*)
erm, Zul nk g lab dh..nk jumpe student..erm, nnt Zul smbung citer lg ek..(^_^)
pejah punyer..(^_^)
huhu..cik pejah dh tagged kne la jawab..(^_^)
List these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving
their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.
7 facts bout me..?
~muhammad zulhusni is my name..
~capricorn boy
~2nd child from 3..
~a student (a lazy one,hahah)
~P1i is my hp model..from sony ericsson
~180.1 cm height, and 70kg weight (increasing la..)
~u can see me in friendster, facebook, myspace...and etc(^_^)
7 unspectacular quirks bout me..?
~a spoil brat..(yeah, fully admit it)
~love sweet things..(^_^)
~1st car accident, when i was in my second year of degree, 3 years PLUS sg besi hi-way..cost me 600 bucks..huhuhu
~hard to find a steady lover..but now i think i found one..(hahaha)
~talk with my momo (mashimaro)
~1st crush when i was 11..
7 peoples who i wanna see them do this are..
~cek pong
~suri yong
~abg dark
the one who tagged me..
~cek peejah (^_^)
List these rules on your blog.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
* Tell 7 unspectacular quirks of yours.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving
their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Link the person who tagged you.
* Leave a comment for each blogger.
7 facts bout me..?
~muhammad zulhusni is my name..
~capricorn boy
~2nd child from 3..
~a student (a lazy one,hahah)
~P1i is my hp model..from sony ericsson
~180.1 cm height, and 70kg weight (increasing la..)
~u can see me in friendster, facebook, myspace...and etc(^_^)
7 unspectacular quirks bout me..?
~a spoil brat..(yeah, fully admit it)
~love sweet things..(^_^)
~1st car accident, when i was in my second year of degree, 3 years PLUS sg besi hi-way..cost me 600 bucks..huhuhu
~hard to find a steady lover..but now i think i found one..(hahaha)
~talk with my momo (mashimaro)
~1st crush when i was 11..
7 peoples who i wanna see them do this are..
~cek pong
~suri yong
~abg dark
the one who tagged me..
~cek peejah (^_^)
PeCaH KaCa..!
salam guyz..(^_^)
i've started my day with a really was an accident..while i'm making my bed, i accidently hit the trophy and then..keprank!glasses everywhere..not really a good sign to start my day rite..huhu..i kept saying sorries to Pecal 4 breaking the glass..huhu, sorry again..but alhamdulillah my day at my department went well..phew!
last weekend, my junior held an event for the final years at Bangi Golf and Country Club..Malam Lembayung Senja or was quite a night i must say..with the theme of street and funky..(i dunno wut shirt to wear actually)..and we all did enjoyed ourselves dat night..thanx 2 those made that night possible..(^_^)