cinta tegarkan hati ku, tak mahu sesuatu meregut engkau..
bagaimana pun hidup ini hanya cerita, cerita tentang meninggalkan dan yang ditinggalkan..cinta
bagaimana pun hidup ini hanya cerita, cerita tentang meninggalkan dan yang ditinggalkan..cinta

So i'll just hang around and find some things to do, to take my mind off missing you..
And i know in my heart, you can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do..
And i know in my heart, you can't say that you don't love me too
Please say you do..

i, i who have nothing, i, i who have no one..
must watch you, go dancing by, wrapped in the arms of somebody else, when darling it's i, who love you..
must watch you, go dancing by, wrapped in the arms of somebody else, when darling it's i, who love you..

sejarah cinta dan hidupku, penuh duri dan banyak ranjau..
the most painful thing is to see someone you love, love somebody else..
wahh zul break up kerr:|
yup! its really painfull when somebody we love, love somebody else...
and its more painful when somebody we love, not even love us at all, not even a lil'bit ...
kiter sayang die, and die sayang kite..
cuma die sllu no1 priority bg kite, tp tidak bg die..
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