Zul sebenarnye sangat la pelik and tertanya2..apa lah yang dah jadi ngn Ko yer..??ceritz sket kat Zul..??makin menjadi2 perangai Ko Zul tengok...sedar2 la, ko tu bukan nye budak lagi dah....

kenapa??nk jadi ceritala..semalam masa Zul drive, mcm biasala tune in radio. Zul ni sbnarnye bukan pendengar radio sangat. tp dah nek kerata tuh, on je la kan. lagipun Zul dah lama hilang connection ngn muzik2 skg..so in order to stay current la katanya, dengar la radio. tp, lagu yang diorang ni mainkan, very da hankeng....!(hankeng tu hanjeng lew..).penat la jari menukar stesyen satu persatu..adoi..

xtaw la kalo i have a pair of choosy ears ke haper tp, lagunye mmg ntah haper2. ke memang lagu sekarang mcm tuh..?melody pown dah sakit telinga, tambah ngn lyric y mcm tulis ngn kaki...!dalam radio kereta Zul tu, hanya satu stesyen Melayu yang Zul saved, pown same gak kekdahnye...haish...

i just wish that the radio stations would choose the song to play carefully next time. because they are the one who determine the colors of the music scene in Malaysia...(for the Malaysian radio station la). plz don't make it lame and unartistic because I believe, Malaysians aren't.

so, sampai sini saje entry Zul kali ni...hehehe..to all the readers, if u have any opinion about what I've said, agree or dis, just leave your comment dear, ocay! till the next entry ya readers, buhbye..(^_^)
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