me..in my spring collection..haha

yup, bull babeyh..

nyum nyum...

Pecal, Leyla and Nyuting..

me and cheleng...
salam guyz..(^_^)
huaargghhh..my body still need a lil' more rest, recovering from yesterday gala..hahaha
Yesterday, me and Pecal went to Pavilion to meet our dearly friends, Pijan and Pojie with his siblings (bro and sis).we met Pijan 1st at the BB monorail station and then we took our brunch at the Food Republic (pulut kuning 4 me) and just after we finished eating, Pojie and his troops arrived..we let them have their brunch while we cruised around the Pavilion (Pijan searching for a new watch)..then we're joint by Pojie and his siblings on our mission on finding the watch..
After a while, we decided to go to Low Yatt Plaza, since Pojie wanna survey for a lappie..with a quick survey we moved on to Sg Wang Plaza..continue with our mission on finding the watch for Pijan..there, we separated..Pojie with his teammates while me, Pecal and Pijan keep on searching...Sg Wang was packed with homosapiens..they are everywhere..huhu..after a few stops at several watch shops, Pijan had made his decision on buying a watch by Fossil, the one that i chose for him..a nice one, elegant but yet simple, hahaha (poyo sekejap)..but, to make thing more interesting, he didn't have the cash in his hand, so we got to find the ATM machine..and as you all know, it ain't easy to withdraw moneys in Sg Wang, on weekend..after back and forth, he manage to withdraw his money (while me and Pecal enjoying pastries at the Delifrance Cafe)..and he did bought that watch..finally..haha..
Then, Leyla messaged me,told me that he and others (my fella junior) at the Times Square..so, we went straight to them..(homosapiens were still everywhere)we've met them and Pecal created a new mission, finding a black sweater..huh, this 1 quite though..after hours of walking, we started to get hungry..and finding a place to eat also had became a trouble for us..haha, at last, we chose Johnny's..steamboat huh!
deciding the menu also took lots of energy (arguing and debating really makes me hungrier)..but i would say, we really enjoyed our time there..haha..done with the steamboat, proceed with our mission...after another hours of looking, we finally managed to fulfill our mission..on way back to the monorail station, we stopped for awhile (awhile la sgt!) at the Borders bookstore..we really turned it to a library..haha
we took the monorail to the Hang Tuah station, then me and Pecal waved goodbye to them coz we got to take LRT..and they got to take commuter at the KL Central..Hang Tuah LRT station were packed with peoples..and so the train..yet, we somehow managed to get into it without any harm..haha..from 1030 am to 1030 pm..what a long 12 hours..but yet packed with lots of interesting stuffs!!