salam guyz..(^_^)
how ya doin?urghh not too good for me..i'm having some flu, and my right hand is swallowing..huhu, since i touched the volley ball bax, swallowing hand, soring thigh..hehe..but it does pay off..(^_^)
n last nite, we had a practice for wirama asli competition..while waiting for the singers to arrive, we had our own joyful time 1st..hehe.my rummie brought along Siti Nurhaliza's karaoke cd, so apalagi..haha..
huhu...sape penyanyi wiramasli?bila plak tandingnya? kotla ada joget jambu merah ke....hehehe,,,
alahai..ciannye..cne leh tkoyak dagu ni..b cful keyh:)
thanx rizz..(^_^)
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