salam readers sekalian...dah bangun lorm?? macam belum je....huhuhu..ok2, ssshhhh...jgn citer kat org len, malu...huhuhu..ok2, semalam Zul xde wat pape,huhuhu, tipoo, ade la wat mende, biarlah rahsia dulu...but 4 this entry, the inspiration come when i went tru my old pix...suddenly, it hit me, i wanna show u guys the real me, real me meaning, who is Zul really, tadaaaa....!

moral of the story:i wish i am like Peterpan, wudn't grow up...enjoying the cutie look of a child n can fly..hahaha...(^_^)
I LOVE YOU en zoul walaupun kamu cinta sayang pada orang lain. hukhukhukhuk
I LOVE YOU TOO en noname walaupun kamu cinta sayang pada orang lain....
Hohoho...could you please give me that love. saya nak tayang bangga kat satu dunia...ermmmm
rambut ko cantik weih kerinting
kenapa xbiar jer kerinting
opinion aku jer lah
P/S : Followers Blog Tu Banyak! Komen Beratus - Ratus! Tapi Apa Yang Hebatnya Blog Tu?
thanx hans...huhu, miss my curly hair too...
rambut curly cantik weih
nanti lepas gunting ko biar jer
holla mai ni..
Hamboi2..dh beso la cucu ni sorg siap dh de cinta syg sgala..
*aku je xde sape nk cinta sayang..gitchuuuu~~
hans>yeah, sure one day...
pojie>sudaahhh, jgn ko nak feeling2, macam tidak ku tahu..huhu
like the peterpan singer kah?
eee.. curly-curly!! i loikeeee!
err, 2 peterporn yer...bukan peterpan...
zureen>uikss...mana lagi cumel, dulu ke skg??
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